Welcome To

The Group



A Social Club Redefined

Welcome to The Group Chat, an exclusive social club for high-achieving Black women who yearn for a space to breathe, belong, and blossom. Here, warmth wraps around you, laughter fills the air, and every conversation is a step toward your truest self.

Where Belonging Meets Becoming

In a world where the stakes are high, and your dreams even higher, finding your tribe can be difficult. The Group Chat is the feeling of home. It’s where vulnerability meets strength, accountability sparks growth, and genuine connections pave the way for achievements unimagined.

Deep Connections: Forge bonds with women who understand the depth of your dreams and the weight of your challenges

Empowerment: Access resources, workshops, and events designed to elevate your personal and professional life.

Intimacy & Support: Beyond the larger community, find your intimate circle-your tribe within the tribe-that offers unparallel support.

Invest In Your Journey

Membership Include:

  • Exclusive access to our private online platform
  • Entry to member-only events
  • Opportunities for personal and professional development
  • Discounts on merchandise
  • Special members-only gifts
  • A lifetime of sisterhood
  • AND MORE!!




A Message from Our She-EO

Hey girl! Welcome to The Group Chat! I can’t lie, I selfishly built this social club for me. As a successful business woman, devoted wife, and boy mom, I had checked all of the “boxes,” but something was still missing. MY GIRLS! Who I could talk to about a business idea, the stupid thing I did last week, the accountability for my next challenge, or just a laugh. And the more successful I became, the more I longed for that community. So I decided to create it! The Group Chat is where you’ll find YOUR GIRLS! We’re connecting, growing, and getting out of The Group Chat together. Guess what sis, that box is now checked too!

Check Mark Boxes

“Together, we’re not just stronger; we’re unstoppable.”

Welcome Home. Welcome to The Group Chat.

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